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School Handbook:

School handbook information is also available through the main office. 

Answering Machine

Our answering machine is on when no-one is available to answer the phone.   Parents and guardians are asked to contact the school at 613-267-1371 to report the absence of their child.

Child Abuse

Whenever there is a suspicion that a student is being abused, neglected or is possibly suicidal, the person to whom the disclosure is made will contact the C.A.S. as quickly as possible.  All individuals have a legal responsibility to report suspected abuse to the Children’s Aid Society.

Communicable Diseases/Public Health

Children who have contracted a communicable disease (i.e. chicken pox, mumps, pink eye) should stay home until the condition is no longer contagious.  Questions regarding communicable diseases or other health issues can be answered by calling the Health Unit at 1-800-660-5853.  The Immunization of School Pupils Act requires that all students be fully immunized unless religious or medical exemptions exist.   


While every effort is made to keep additional costs to families to a minimum, there may be times when money is requested to help meet the expenses incurred by trips, celebrations, and programs.  Subsidies or flexible payment plans are always available.  Do not hesitate to contact the office if you wish to make alternate arrangements.

Appropriate Apparel: 

Students should come dressed for the business of school.  Clothing with inappropriate slogans and/or logos, is not allowed.  Therefore appropriate tops and footwear are required at all times.  Hats are to be removed upon entering the school. 

 Head Lice:

Whenever a large number of students share a common space, the possibility of head lice always exists.  It is the responsibility of the family to perform regular head checks on their son/daughter throughout the school year. Children with live lice are not permitted to attend school.  If you do detect live lice or nits, please notify the school so that appropriate action can be taken.  Please note that while nits are a nuisance, they do not merit a child’s exclusion.


Students who are injured or ill report to the office.  If needed, parents will be contacted.  Please make sure that you inform the office of all changes of address, telephone, baby sitter or emergency contacts. We rely on the pupil data sheet to reach you.  Students with serious ailments like a broken limb in a cast, are able to stay inside during recess.  Unfortunately, we do not have staff to supervise students nor the space to accommodate students at the office who arrive at school with a cold and would like to stay inside.  Therefore, if students arrive at school with a cold or a minor ailment, parents should expect their child to go out for recess.  In cases of prolonged recovery periods for serious ailments, please contact the principal to arrange suitable supervision.

 School Council:

The School Council provides a meaningful liaison between home, school and the community.  Meetings are held on a regular basis throughout the school year.  All meetings are open to the public, especially parents and guardians.


Parents and volunteers are always needed and welcome.  Volunteers can assist in many ways, such as assisting children with reading, to helping at grilled cheese day.  Volunteers are asked to use the sign in book at the office, wear an ID pass while on school property, and are protected by all UCDSB policies and procedures.  All volunteers must complete Criminal Reference Check each year before working with students in any capacity.  Forms are available in the office.

 Safe Arrival Program/Attendance Procedures

The Safe Arrival program mandates that we contact a student's parent/guardian each day a student is absent.  Please let the school know the reason for your child's absence. You can call the school, leave a message on the answering machine or use MyFamilyRoom ( to let the school know of any absences.  If the school is unable to contact any of the listed emergency contacts for your child within a reasonable timeframe, we are required to contact authorities to ensure your child’s safety.  If your child is being picked up at school as a planned absence, please put a note in your child's agenda. The note must indicate the name of the student, identify the person picking up the student and note the time of pick up. The parent/guardian must sign out the student at the office as they exit the school.

 If dismissal plans for a student change during the day, please contact the school as soon as possible, preferably no later than 3 o’clock.  This allows us to notify students and teaching staff without interruption to classroom instructional time. The school telephone is typically very busy after this time of day and there is a risk that your dismissal plan changes would not be received before the end of the school day. In the event your child must be picked up unexpectedly, please contact the school to advise of this need, indicating the time of pick up and who will be picking up the student. 

 At all times, anyone picking up a child is required to enter the school through the main entrance. Please report to the main office, identify yourself and advise the principal/office administrator that you are picking up the student.

 There are occasions when students believe they will be picked up at dismissal rather than ride the bus home. In order to avoid unnecessary worry for parents and caregivers, our policy is that students will be sent home on their regular bus if a parent phone call has not been received or they do not have a note.

 A student arriving late must be accompanied into the school by their parent/guardian and signed in at the office for attendance and safety reasons.

All visitors, including parents and volunteers, are requested to enter and exit the building via the Main Entrance and use the Visitor’s Log book located in the main office to sign in and sign out.

 As a bus safety measure vehicles are restricted from entering and parking in the bus­ loading zone during morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal. Vehicles are not permitted to enter or exit the parking lot while buses are in the bus-loading zone.

 If you are driving your child to school, please remember that supervision for children begins at 9:00 am.

 Procedure for Attendance/Absence

Regular attendance is one of the most important keys to success!  Attendance is recorded daily and students arriving after morning announcements are required to report to the main office before proceeding to class.

The main office collects all excuse notes and reason-for-absence notes.  Following an extended absence, a note from home signed by the parent or legal guardian must accompany the student stating the date and the reason for the absence.  Parents may call the morning a student is away to explain the absence.  Calls should be made before 9:15 pm. Should we, over time and with considerable effort, be unable to make contact with a parent or guardian who can explain their child’s absence, we must contact the police in order to ensure the safety of the child.

Please ensure that all visitors, including parents and volunteers, enter and exit the building via the Main Entrance and use the Visitors Log book located in the main office to sign in and sign out.

Cars and Parking                                                                                                                  

Vehicles which are parked in the parking lot drive lane may be towed. Expenses incurred as the result of towing will be the responsibility of the owner. Vehicles are not to be parked on school property overnight unless permission has been granted by the Principal.  The school/board will not take any responsibility for damages incurred to any vehicle on school property.  If you park on school property, this is done at your own risk.


The Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario provides detailed guidelines for parents and guardians regarding the transportation of students.  An information booklet is given to every student at the beginning of the school year, and is also posted on the STEO website at Parents/guardians should be aware that school bus drivers can only pick up and drop off riders at one authorized regular daily stop.  Drivers cannot make changes to stops without authorization from the Transportation Department.

Use of Personal Electronic Devices in the Classroom and School

In recognition of their differing interests, abilities, personalities and learning preferences, the Upper Canada District School Board encourages its students to select and use the supplies, equipment, devices and other resources they need to learn effectively at school and at home.
The Upper Canada District School Board supports its students by providing an environment that allows students to bring supplies, equipment, devices and other resources of their own into the school and classroom in a way consistent with Upper Canada District School Board policies and values.
Smart phones, cell phones, and other electronic devices are to be used in class at the discretion of the teacher and school principal.  The unauthorized use of a cell phone or an electronic device in class may result in the teacher asking the student to put the device away, keep the device at home or ask for it to be given to the teacher for safe keeping.  This item may be sent to the office and returned to the student at the end of the day.  If this happens on numerous occasions the student may be asked to keep the electronic device at home.

Photographs and Recording Audio/Video

On school property, no one is allowed to record audio/video or take pictures of staff or students at any time or anywhere unless they have the permission of the Principal/Vice-Principal and all of the people in the photograph, video or sound recording.  Taking a picture or recording someone without their permission could be an invasion of privacy and might lead to suspension, expulsion, criminal charges, or a civil lawsuit.  

 NOTE: If a student violates any policy stated above the device could be confiscated and the possible consequences listed above will be followed.

Weapons, Firecrackers, Matches, Lighters and Laser Pointers

The possession and/or display of weapons and firecrackers on school property are strictly forbidden.  Such possession may result in immediate suspension.  The public display or use of lighters or matches on school property is prohibited.  In the interest of student and staff safety, water pistols, toy guns and laser pointers are not permitted on school property.

Skateboards/In-Lines Skates and Shoes with Wheels

Students are not permitted to use skateboards, in-line skates or “Heelys” on school property.  Students with wheels built into the bottom of their shoes are to remove the wheels before entering school property.

Damage to School Property

Students should report all damage of school property to the main office as soon as possible.  Students are responsible for damages to or loss of school property and should expect to pay for repair or replacement (property, books and facilities).

 Nut Allergies  As many of you are aware, some students at our schools have been diagnosed with severe allergies to peanuts,   peanut butter and nut products. In some cases even trace amounts of peanut butter and/or nut products could jeopardize the life of a child/person with this allergy. It would be appreciated if you could avoid sending peanut butter or products containing nuts of any kind to school. Your cooperation in this regard could save a life!  Your efforts are appreciated.

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